We value your privacy and make it a priority to safeguard your personal information. We do not sell or rent your personal information to third parties for commercial gain. We will never give, lease, sell or otherwise disclose your personal information to third parties, other than for the specific purposes outlined below.

This Privacy Policy sets out the basis on which Sunwave collects information from you and the basis on which any such information collected from you is dealt with. Sunwave Shop is committed to protecting your privacy.

1. By accessing

The Sunwave Shop website at or any other Sunwave websites, page or application used to gather your details or send you email notifications relating to Sunwave and its products, or any other social media website or page, containing pages or content established by or associated with Sunwave, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Linked, Itargram …You are deemed to have read and agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy. If you do not accept the terms of this Privacy Policy, you must not access the Internet Sites.

2. Amendments

Sunwave reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. Amendments will be effective immediately upon being placed on the Website. Your continued use of the Internet Sites following such amendments being placed on the Website will represent an agreement by you to be bound by the Privacy Policy as amended.

4. Automatically Collected Information

Whenever you access any of the Internet Sites Sunwave will, and is entitled to, automatically collect the following types of information from you:

the IP address of your machine when connected to the internet and the domain name from which you are accessing the internet;
the operating system and the browser your computer uses and any search engine you are using;
the date and time you are visiting; and
the URLs of the pages you visit.
5. Submitted Information

Additional to automatically collected information dealt with by clause 4 (above), we may collect information posted by you explicitly on the Internet Sites. This includes information such as:

your name, gender, email address and other personal details such as a telephone number; and
any other comments, statements or interactions posted as a Post or otherwise.
6. Further Collection

Sunwave also reserves the right to collect more extensive information where it deems such action is appropriate, such as in the case of any security concerns which may arise. Where possible, information will be obtained directly from you. However, you acknowledge that by accessing the Internet Sites information may be collected from you because of the workings of the Internet Sites and the attached systems and software.

7. Facebook

Sunwave’s Facebook page is set to the “everyone” setting in accordance with Facebook’s terms and conditions. This means that information you post is publically available and may be accessed by everyone on the internet, be indexed by third party search engines and be imported, exported, distributed and redistributed by us and others, without privacy limitations.

8. Use of Information

Sunwave uses the information provided by you or generated by your use of the Internet Sites to provide you with any services or goods you may request from Sunwave. Sunwave also uses information collected from you to assess the performance of the Internet Sites to ensure that the Internet Sites serve your needs in the most efficient manner possible, and for Sunwave’s marketing purposes.

In posting a Post (as mentions in the Terms and Conditions of Use) on any of the Internet Sites, you are deemed to consent to Sunwave publishing or otherwise using that Post for marketing and other purposes. This includes the content from any feedback form submitted by you on the Website.

Sunwave will not provide information provided by you to any third party for their use in marketing their products or services to you without your consent but we do not control Facebook’s or Twitter’s use of such information.

On Registration you automatically consent to receiving information from Sunwave unless you opt out. You can opt out from receiving emails, phone calls or other direct communications from Sunwave by un-ticking the boxes in the “Subscriptions” section of the “Your Profile” page and clicking “Update”. You can also unsubscribe from Email Newsletter Subscriptions by clicking the “Unsubscribe” link which is included on all Email Newsletters.

9. Cookies

Sunwave may also place cookies on your computer. Cookies are alpha numeric identifiers which are transferred to your computer’s hard drive through your web browser to enable Sunwave to recognise you whenever you access the Internet Sites and therefore better personalise your access of the Internet Sites. A cookie does not identify you personally but it does identify your computer. The help portion of your browser’s toolbar should tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive new cookies, or how to disable cookies altogether. You should note however that if you do not allow the use of cookies or do not wish to provide certain information to Sunwave you may not be able to take full advantage of the Internet Sites and the range of services and goods offered by Sunwave.

10. Statistics

Sunwave may use and publish non-personal aggregate statistics and group data about those people who access the Internet Sites and their usage of the Internet Sites. However, subject to the further terms of this Privacy Policy, Sunwave will not share or make public information about you without your prior permission.

11. Data Transmission

Unfortunately, no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed as totally secure. Whilst Sunwave strives to protect such information, we do not warrant, and cannot ensure complete security of any information which you transmit to us. Accordingly, any information which you transmit to us is transmitted at your own risk. Nevertheless, once we receive your transmission, we will take reasonable steps to preserve the security of such information.

12. Accessing Information

You are entitled to access any information which Sunwave may hold about you and Sunwave is obliged to provide this information to you as long as it has such information and such information can be readily retrieved. You are also entitled to request Sunwave correct any inaccuracies in any information which Sunwave holds about you. Sunwave is entitled to charge you for the reasonable costs of retrieving, providing this information, and as applicable, correcting this information.

13. Providing Information

You agree that Sunwave may provide any personal information it collects about you to its related companies (as defined in section 2(3) of the Companies Act 1993 (NZ)), debt collection and credit reference agencies and any other parties it deems necessary in relation to providing you access to the Internet Sites, for any services you access or Goods you purchase from the Website, to recover any money you owe to Sunwave and to exercise any lawful right Sunwave, its related companies or debt collection and credit reference agencies may have. You also authorise any person to provide Sunwave with such information as Sunwave may require in response to credit enquiries.

14. Disclosing Information

You agree that Sunwave is entitled to disclose information it holds about you without your prior permission if Sunwave reasonably believes that such disclosure is necessary to:

conform to legal requirements;
comply with legal process or help to maintain the law;
protect the rights or property of Sunwave or its related companies; or
enforce the Terms of Conditions of access to this Website.
15. Combining Information

Sunwave may combine any information which it collects from you with information collected by its related companies.

16. Storage

You should be aware that information which Sunwave collects from you may be stored or processed outside of New Zealand, including in the Cloud.

17. Waiver

If Sunwave delays or does not exercise any of its rights and remedies available to it under this Privacy Policy, that will not be a waiver of that right or remedy.

18. Severability

If any provision of this Privacy Policy is held to be invalid, void, unenforceable or illegal for any reason, such provision shall be deemed to be severed from this Privacy Policy and the remaining provisions shall continue in full force.

19. Privacy Act

This Policy does not affect your rights under the Privacy Act 1993.

20. Queries

If you have any queries in regard to our Privacy Policy please do not hesitate to contact Sunwave at