Metal Baking tray of 10 moulds


In the way of making pancakes, flour preparation is the most important stage. It is necessary to choose delicious rice (or cassava) to make cake dough. The ingredients for making cake dough include rice ground with wet flour, rice cooked into rice and made noodles to cool and then grind. The powders mix together in a ratio that is largely based on experience. Or you can buy cake dough out of the store.

The filling is usually fresh, moderately large, peeled iron shrimp. Choosing shrimp and peeling shrimp skillfully to keep the color of the shrimp is also an important step.

The fat for frying the cake is the onion pork fat and chives leaves for aroma, but care should be taken so that the onion leaves and chives do not burn too much.

Place the round mold into the pan, take the prepared fat to heat the mold, pour the cake into the mold, press the shrimp in the center, cover and wait for the cake to cook. When the cake is cooked, the dough becomes yellow, and the shrimp filling becomes red. Onion leaves and chives in fat cling to the cake to create a green color.